Freelance Graphic Designer in Nairobi, Kenya.

Hi there! My name’s Ashraf and I’m a freelance graphic designer based in Nairobi. My goal is to help you attract more people to your products or services with the help of good design. I can help you with designing your website, logo, social media posts, brochure, adverts, catalogue, poster, company stationery and more at reasonable prices without sacrificing quality.


graphic designer in nairobi

Why Is Graphic Design Important?

First Impressions Matter

You know what they say: you only have one chance to make a first impression. Whether it’s a website or the logo in an email signature, potential customers will judge a business in just a few seconds based on visual appeal alone. Good quality graphic design gives businesses credibility and that’s priceless. No matter how great a product or service, with poor design, it’s unlikely anyone will stick around the company’s website or keep its email long enough to find out.

Good Design Can Be A Differentiator

Almost all businesses face competition and to set themselves apart they generally have differentiators like pricing, quality, customer service etc. But consider that good design can help a small business stand out too. A company’s visual communication plan serves many purposes, and making the business unique should be one of them.

Branding Makes A Business Memorable

A strong brand identity, characterized by a cohesive design strategy, creates an emotional connection with your audience. By consistently using specific fonts, colors, and visuals, you establish a memorable brand image that resonates with customers. This familiarity fosters loyalty and encourages repeat business, contributing to your long-term success.

Good Design Saves Time And Money

When businesses don’t take graphic design seriously in the beginning, they will more than likely go through a design overhaul eventually and in some cases, more than once. However, quality design has longevity. Paying for great graphic design one time is no more expensive than paying for subpar design multiple times. Not to mention, redesigning a business’ image over and over wastes time and can be detrimental to its brand.

Good Design Converts

Design isn’t just about making things look pretty; effective design should entice and persuade. A well designed website can direct visitors to take action, like clicking a “buy” button for instance. A well designed catalogue compels readers to keep turning pages. Good quality graphic design has the potential to deliver measurable results for a business.

Design Can Tell A Story

It’s important that people get a feel for what a business does even if they’ve never heard of it before. Thoughtful design evokes the right image in customers’ minds.

graphic designer's workspace

Why Hire A Freelance Graphic Designer?

1. Many freelance graphic designers work from a home office and therefore, overhead costs are drastically lower than an agency which has extra overheads like staff salaries, office rent etc. These savings for the freelancer can get passed down to the client.

2. You’re probably going to receive top-notch customer service (depending on how many clients they have, of course). They’re a one-person shop, so you know you’ll always be dealing with the same person and won’t have to re-explain edits, ideas, etc. to a new person with every phone call.

3. Unlike design agencies who have set work hours, many freelancers will respond to evening and weekend emails. So if you find the 9 to 5 schedule for communication a bit restrictive, working with a freelancer may be for you. With that said, there should always be boundaries. Calling anyone at 11pm is a bit rude isn’t it?

My Design Process

Step 1: Design Brief

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Question and answer session with the client either in person, via whatsapp or email.

A design brief clarifies what needs to be done, keeps the project on track, and saves time for everyone involved.

Step 2: Brainstorming
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Time is spent reviewing the brief and asking followup questions before beginning more thorough research and brainstorming.

Taken into account are a client’s competitors, market trends, product or service differentiators, the history and future of the business, the current brand, and brand aspirations.

Step 3: Idea Generation
idea generation

Multiple pen and paper sketches are made for idea generation and helps generate a strong set of possible directions.

Most sketches are made redundant, but the point is to explore as many directions as possible before narrowing it down to the strongest ideas.

Step 4: Feedback
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The effective ideas are then developed in digital format. This stage involves transferring the options to Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and finally to a PDF for the presentation.

Designs are shown in context using digital mock-ups (i.e., in situations where the design will be used upon project completion — as a brochure, on a billboard, facebook advert etc.).

Then it’s over to the client to consider the designs and prepare feedback based on how the ideas fulfill the brief.

Step 5: Revisions
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This involves finalising an option or making revisions until exactly the right direction is reached.

The aim is to create designs that works for the respective business. There’s always flexibility here rather than the need for an immediate “yes” or “no.”

Step 6: Artwork Supply
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Artwork is supplied via email and/or made available for download. Specific file requests can be catered for.

Step 7: Project Launch
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My service doesn’t end once a client pays the final installment. Should any design-related questions crop-up, I’m on hand to provide an answer, or to offer assistance with design application.

Graphic Design Services

Brand identity elements like logos, business cards, brochures, signage, van livery etc enable you to deliver your core message to your audience and helps in distinguishing your brand from your competitors.

Everything your business displays, says, does and produces has to reflect the core ideas, values and aims of your business. In order to create the right image for your business your branding needs to be consistent, direct and stimulating for your audience.

I can design the following for your business:

Company Stationery Design

Report Design

Catalog Design


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I'm Available For Hire Or Freelance

Let's Work Together!



Prof. Wangari Mathai Rd,
Nairobi, Kenya.



9am-5pm (Monday-Friday)

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